William G. Fink

President of The SEEDS Foundation


Is working toward creating the International “EPIC” The Experimental Photo Image Center,

with the goal of working amongst EXPERIMENTAL photo-visual artists to exhibit their work.

Over 30 years ago, the SEEDS Foundation began by doing different experimental

Projects within public schools. We Distributed free seeds to any teachers who wanted them for student gardens, and helped High School journalism students get their written stories published in local weekly community newspapers, printed greeting cards at Pasadena City College so teachers could use them to write to their students’parents, and most importantly we developed and proposed a program where High Schools could use school busses as a way for graphic design students and art students to make important student statements on the sides of the buses, such as drugs abuse issues, abortion, student achievement & role models or various community and life issues. We had over a dozen school superintendents endorse the project, and well over a dozen large companies iincluding Kaiser Permanente, the Auto Club, In and Out Burger and others wanting to sponsor dozens of buses that could have amounted to a considerable amount of financial support for high school art departments in exchange for student artwork and statements on the sides of buses with only a very small corporate logo on the corner of the bus next to the student artwork but with…no conventional advertising.

We also put together a committee at LA Unified School District that included the CEO of Boeing (at that time), but we could not get the approval from the Highway Patrol who said it could be a visual distraction. Years later, former governor Deukmejian told me on the phone that if we could spend the money to hire a lobbyist, this project would pass, but we did not have the funding to hire a lobbyist which would have costed quite a bit of money for a pilot program.

So, now The SEEDS Foundation is entirely about working with the Experimental Arts 


I hope to eventually be able to align with the right company, so we can teach the processes I have developed with the hope of creating a following of artists, photographers and printmakers who wish to have me make Time and Matter Photography, Handmade Photo Watermarked papermaking, Ceramic Relief Photo tilemaking, Hot Glass Photography, and other processes I am working on, along with other processes other artists can contribute. 

Do you have a subject who is dealing with a life issue that you want to photograph and make out of something related to their issue. If so, let discuss your project.


Another goal is to create income that can be used to pay to build an Experimental Photo Image Center at either a University or Art school, or to find a building within a city where there is a community of experimental artists to possibly work together on new idea projects..

Experimental Photography is important because It keeps evolving, it is about experimenting, and developing new ideas. I love the old photographic processes, but I think the future of experimental Art and photography is going to come from deviations from new and future technology, and not necessarily the historical processes of the past, and because many of the old photo processes of the past Involve toxic chemicals.

Photography is not just about capturing an image

I believe photography is about experimenting and exploring the world around us

To find answers, solutions and thought-provoking ideas that can make life not only

More interesting, but Better.